The acronym SERPs stands for "Search Engine Result Pages". This refers to the search engine overview page in search engines. An overview is formed for certain keywords that users enter in the search slot. They consist of a combination of paid ads and organic search results that are deemed relevant to the search query entered. The position and order of these results are determined by complex algorithms that take into account various factors.

Why certain results appear in Organic Search depends on different ranking factors of the search engine operators. By the way, the SERPs are compiled individually for the user. The search behavior in the past, location and many other factors play together here - and of course, how the website is set up from a technical and content SEO point of view.

How SEO relevant are SERPs?

SERPs play the central role in search engine optimization (SEO) when it comes to es touchpoints between companies and users in organic search. A high ranking on the Search Engine Result Pages increases the visibility of a website and attracts more visitors. Since users tend to click only on the first results of their search queries, es is essential for companies and website owners to appear as high as possible on the SERPs. SEO services aimed at improving the position on the SERPs are therefore a central component of successful SEO strategies.