Content strategies

Durch die richtige Content-Strategie werden Unternehmensziele erreicht. Auf Grundlagen der Webanalyse Daten werden maßgeschneiderte Inhalte geplant, erstellt und organisiert. In der Suchmaschinenoptimierung haben Content Strategien eine große Bedeutung. Qualitativ hochwertiger und relevanter Content verbessert die Auffindbarkeit in den SERPs (Suchmaschinenergebnissen). Eine gut durchdachte Content Strategie identifiziert relevante Keywords, strukturiert Inhalte und ordnet diese ins Marketing Funnel ein. Durch die konsequente Umsetzung einer Content Strategie verbessert sich die Präsenz in Suchmaschinen.

How are content strategy & search intent related?

An effective content strategy takes into account the search intent of different buyer personas in order to deliver relevant content and achieve better rankings in the SERPs.

What are the goals of a content strategy?

Die Ziele einer Content Strategie im Hinblick auf die Positionierung in den SERPs sind:

  • Improving visibility: Targeted keyword optimization and high-quality content can improve the visibility of a website in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Increase organic traffic: A content strategy aims to provide relevant and engaging content that brings more qualified visitors to the website.
  • Strengthen authority and reputation: strategic content planning can position the website as a reliable source of information, leading to stronger authority in the industry.

How long does it take to create a content strategy and why?

How long a content strategy takes depends on various factors. Important steps in the creation of a content strategy are:

  • Keyword Recherche: Identifikation relevanter Suchbegriffe und Phrasen für die Zielgruppe.
  • Keyword competition analysis: study of competitor content and identification of opportunities and weaknesses.
  • Content planning and creation: develop a strategy for creating high-quality, relevant content that meets target audience needs.

Is es a free mini content strategy?

Es gives a free consultation in which potentials of a content strategy are shown.

What does a content strategy cost?

The cost of a content strategy cannot be quantified exactly, as it depends on various factors. We work on an hourly basis to calculate the price accordingly.

What does rankingfusions need to create a content strategy?

In the first get-to-know-you meeting, we clarify with you what information we need to create the content strategy. Here are a few questions in advance:

  • What are your goals with your website?
  • Which target group do you address?
  • Which products and services should be strengthened?
  • What competitors are there es in your industry?
  • Who takes care of content creation and posting?
  • ...

The cost of a content strategy cannot be quantified exactly, as it depends on various factors. We work on an hourly basis to calculate the price accordingly.

The cost of a content strategy cannot be quantified exactly, as it depends on various factors. We work on an hourly basis to calculate the price accordingly.

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