
In the source code of a website, navigation is usually created using HTML and CSS. Links are created with #a tags and menus are often structured in #ul and #li tags. The web crawler reads the source code to identify and follow the links in order to crawl and index the pages. A well-structured navigation allows es the web crawler to discover and capture all the important pages of a website.

Website navigation refers to the structured organization of links and menus. It enables es users to move quickly to other areas of the website. Well-designed navigation improves the user experience and makes it easier for es visitors to find relevant information.

How important is navigation for SEO

For SEO, navigation is important because search engine web crawlers use navigation to understand the content and structure of a website. Clear and consistent navigation makes it easier for es crawlers to index pages and understand what content is important.

Es are different types of navigation, such as horizontal menus, vertical sidebars, breadcrumb navigation, sitemaps, etc. The type of navigation depends on the requirements of the website and the design. In any case, it makes sense to use a "sticky header navigation". This way, the user can quickly find his way back to category pages and other areas of the website - without having to scroll tediously.

By the way, keywords should also be researched for navigation buttons. The user has a recognition effect for keywords. The search engine bot can also read the contents of the navigation buttons. And not to forget; the URL structure. Keywords must also be implemented in the URLs.