302 Status codes

Ein 302 Status Code, auch als "Found" oder "Temporary Redirect" bezeichnet, zeigt an, dass eine Seite vorübergehend an eine andere URL weitergeleitet wird. Suchmaschinen gehen dann davon aus, dass der bekannte Inhalt wieder an der alten Stelle nach einer Weile auftauchen kann.

Typical reasons for setting 302 status codes are temporary redirects, for example during maintenance or when a page is temporarily unavailable. However, if it is clear that URLs should be permanently assigned to a new target URL, then always use the SEO-friendly 301 redirect code.

302 Status Code & SEO Performance

Unlike 301 redirects, 302 redirects are assumed to have no permanent impact on ranking and SEO performance. Search engines can still index the original URL. Thus, features of the old URL cannot be inherited by the new URL - the link juice will probably not be transferred. Here, however, search engine operators make a secret of how indexing and ranking are influenced by 302 status codes.

Es is important to use 302 status codes for temporary redirects and choose 301 status code for permanent redirects to avoid negative impact on ranking and SEO performance.